Thursday, February 4, 2010



Measles is a name familiar to the mothers who have a 9-month-old baby. Yes, because at the age of 9 months or rather 8 to 9 months, infants will receive measles immunization is one of the mandatory immunization of infants to prevent infant measles disease.

Measles is a highly contagious disease that mainly attacks children, although in some cases can also attack adults. In children with malnutrition situation in incidence of measles with complications potentially fatal or cause death. Before the measles vaccination is widely used, measles epidemics occurred every 2-3 years, particularly in children aged pre-school and elementary school children. if someone had suffered measles, then the rest of his life he would be immune to this disease.

The cause of this disease is a viral infection Rubella, measles therefore also often called fever Rubella. The virus is highly contagious, especially in children with immune bad. The virus enters the body through the medium of air from coughing, sneezing or dirt measles patient's hand. The patient can transmit the infection within 2-4 days before the skin rash.

Discriminating against measles with another fever is not too difficult. In people with measles will get high fever (the highest achieved after 4 days), white spots on the inside of the cheek in front of the molars, red and watery eyes, sore throat, runny nose, dry cough and distinctive hardware. In some children are vomiting and diarrhea, this unique spots appear behind the ears, face and then spreads to the entire body.

Complications arising in this disease is a major cause of death in measles. Complications include: middle-ear infections, bronchitis (infection of the lower respiratory tract), pneumonia (lung infection), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Horrible is not it? Like other diseases diseases, measles was in there a few things we can do prior to the doctor. It acts, among others: stay at home until the disease is not contagious anymore, rest and drink plenty of fluids, taking anti-fever medicine, cough medicine. If the earache, discharge from the ear, fever constantly, seizures or sleepy immediately to the doctor.

We arrived at the doctor, measles patients will be given some medical measures to prevent complications but already there are complications when it will be efforts to treat the complications that exist. If doctors feel that patients require further treatment then the doctor may refer patients to the nearest hospital.

Finally, hopefully useful ...;)

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