Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Release Your Pessimism ...

Life is like the arena games. Who will win hailed, overflowing with confidence, opportunities, and prizes. While the loser may be bombarded by insults, viewed with one eye, do not get a chance in the next game. The defeat can be a graveyard. However, this only occurs when the perpetrator himself looked so.

Once, a young man who became the foundation for the family is very nervous as he entered the last semester as a student S1. Call name Ferdy. By the time someone else stepped more lightly, Ferdy the ability and achievement was mediocre, while a very narrow job opportunities, just feel helpless about the future.

He is haunted by the shadow of unemployment after college, when he was the only member of the family (6 children) the opportunity of high education. Families who have the greatest sacrifice to allocate funds for education, can not wait to see her graduate and worked with a good income. Further result, he preferred to avoid when talking to families about the college.

Maybe Ferdy not alone in this. With limited economic capacity, a person is easy to feel defeated in the battle of life.

Easily imagined that the simple physical appearance, could not afford books, can not join this course and that, without enough pocket money, he is not worthy of social circulation, does not deserve to get anyone's attention, do not deserve to show their performance, etc..

In the eyes of individuals such as Ferdy, the lack of capital owned to make them lose access to social, achievement, through competitive employment, business, etc.. Feeling of failure that this streak makes a person feel helpless (learn helplessness).

Such situation may also occur in individuals within the organization. Elisabeth Moss Kanter (counsel of major corporations, professors from Harvard Business School) during her experience as a consultant found that when the managers of a company has lost the confidence to succeed, develop decision-making increasingly unprofitable company.

With the negative beliefs that develops, those who experience it tend to hide themselves, and even running away, not daring to face the challenges, and lack of respect for their own performance.

Defining Personal view

We can understand how Ferdy and many others become pessimistic in their future. Economic limitations or other modalities (mental, physical, etc.) does make people experience barriers to moving forward.

However, the tendency to pessimism needs to be corrected. Because the reality is going to show, he had lost before the war. According to Rosabeth Moss Kanter's terms, he has become a loser.

Instead we can expect, lest Ferdy ability and achievement of self assessment by plain that the pessimism caused by stuck early on, preventing the learning so far. Please be advised that pessimistic thought patterns that can be very degrading performance. Conversely, an optimistic mindset buffer can even be a spring that makes us feel full of power, so that can really dream.

Thus, success or failure is determined more by our own convictions. Like a glass of water, half full or half empty depending on how people look at it. With that we believe the glass of water half full, we will dare to do something more meaningful than if we believed it was half empty.

Basically there are ways to make things better. Thus, what we need is to have a positive outlook on everything in our lives. With positive thinking we will see things previously invisible, felt it was not felt before, and eventually can manifest what we want to achieve.

Unrealistic Optimism & Self-fulfilling Prophecy

How can be optimistic about the fact that employment is a narrow, abilities and accomplishments did not stand out? Maybe so Ferdy question. However, the optimism that was not necessarily based on reality. One study showed that people who feel happy to have unrealistic Optimism (unrealistic optimism).

So, we can actually feel happy when I was able to imagine and believe in yourself as a capable person, able to perform, can penetrate the job opportunities, have interesting personalities, etc., as a dream. Without care reality, if we dare to believe and imagine myself like that, precisely what we believe can become reality.

The phenomenon of faith will become a reality like that in psychology called self fulfilling prophecy. Based on the Greek myth (the story of yearning and Pigmaleon a beautiful woman believes a statue of his creation is alive, and finally became a reality), such a state is called Pigmaleon Securities.

The above differ from the mentally ill who lost consciousness and the ability to understand and interact with reality. As a normal person, in imagining that we consciously use the mental capacity to imagine.

In believe, means that we develop our capacity as believers. Now, with the spread of mental capacities such, the results would be truly extraordinary. Prayers accompanied by the full faith in Allah, certainly keeps us on the right track.

So, what needs to be done is to remove all Ferdy negative picture of the future, and mengggantinya with positive images. Images (imagination) to create positive emotions also become positive (calm, happy, fear vanished). The result will be lighter and more effective when learning, and easier to interact with others.

Thus, not later upon graduation Ferdy was able to develop such capabilities themselves and emerge as an interesting person?

Not generalize

One of the things that can hinder a person's optimism is the tendency to generalize an event, which assumes that things that happen when it (success, failure, good, bad, etc.) is considered valid for other things.

In the case of Ferdy, he studies assessing achievements as mediocre. On that basis, he considered himself to have the ability mediocre. In this generalization has occurred (equalize view), from studies into the achievement of personal capabilities.
It is not impossible, from the presumption that he has the ability and achievement study mediocrity, in other cases outside the study also assumes he can only do things that are mediocre, unable to work, and so on. Not to mention the number of unemployed graduates, he considers himself too will soon be unemployed.

IP is not really a person that determines success. There have been many examples of leaders who fail in academic environment or have IP mediocre, but success in the field digelutinya. Some examples can be mentioned among others Rhenald Kasali (management consultant, chairman of MM programs UI), Ahmad Dhani (Dewa band), Thomas Edison, etc..

No need to worry about the ability of the ordinary. As long as we continue to learn to follow the latest developments, we will not lag behind others. Although IP was not optimal, if knowledgeable, interesting personalities (think positive about yourself and others), of course people love to work with us. Salam optimistic.

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