Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure)


Hypotension would speak in our shadow is the first symptom is often dizzy and collapsed, it's often really asked by my patients in practice, when they come with complaints of dizziness they must ask is 'how about my blood pressure, doc?, whether down? According to my notes read, hypotension (low blood pressure) is a condition in which blood pressure is lower than 90/60 mmHg or blood pressure low enough to cause symptoms such as dizziness and fainting.

The  question asked by the patient was not wrong? Symptoms of dizziness and fainting are the most common symptoms experienced by patients hypotension. This phenomenon arises because of the interruption of oxygen delivery to the brain.

Body actually has mechanisms to stabilize blood pressure, blood pressure stability is important because pressure must be high enough to deliver oxygen and nutrients to all cells in the body and dispose of waste generated. If the pressure is too high, can tear the blood vessels and cause bleeding in the the brain (hemorrhagic stroke) or other complications. If pressure is too low, the blood can not provide oxygen and nutrients are sufficient for the cell and can not dispose of waste generated as it should.

Of the many causes of hypotension, the hypotension due to changes in body position or orthostatic hypotension was the most common. When patients are said to suffer from this type of hypotension? If found decreased systolic blood pressure that stayed below 80 mmHg or a decrease in systolic blood pressure over 30 mmHg followed by clinical symptoms when the body position changes from sleep to suddenly stand.

Clinical symptoms occur frequently varies enough complaints that patients presented more of a complaint autonomic neuropathy such as tiredness, dizziness, fainting, frequent yawning, said the vague, blurred vision, pale face, cold sweat, nausea, feelings of discomfort in the abdomen, a suck sensation. Complaints that arise are sometimes not closely related to the quality of disease. There symptom improvement trend in the morning when  wake up, the more calm when the day was late or the patient lay back down.

Then, what is the cause of this hypotension? Cause here can be grouped into three namely :

  • Reduced cardiac output, cause abnormal heart rhythm, damage to or dysfunction of heart muscle, heart valve disease, pulmonary embolism.
  • Decreased blood volume, cause heavy bleeding, diarrhea, excessive sweating, excessive urination.
  • Increasing the capacity of the blood vessels, cause septic shock, exposure by the heat, diarrhea, vasodilator drugs (nitrates, calcium inhibitors, ACE inhibitors).

So what should be done in patients hypotension? Some things you can do to reduce the symptoms of hypotension include :

  • Physical activity is done regularly such as walking are quite capable of reducing the incidence of symptoms.
  • Sleeping with their heads held positions ± 30 cm and bedding can improve orthostatic hypotension the mechanism of reduced renal artery pressure which then stimulates the release of renin and increases blood volume.
  • Using a drug that can raise blood pressure ...

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